Prayer update

Prayer update

About a month ago, I asked for prayers for a little newborn boy named Sean Conklin who was very ill. Sadly he died this morning. I don’t have all the details, but basically his heart stopped and they weren’t able to get it going again. His mom is someone I went to school with and she and her husband are doing the best as can be expected. Sean’s dad saw it as a win/win situation. If Sean had gotten better, great. If he died, then it means he’s in heaven and it’s a win for Sean. He was just four months old.

It makes you think that some lives, as short and tragic as they are, are lived to provide an example to us, to get us to pray, to remind us that life is a gift of God which we should appreciate every day. Please add your prayers for Sean’s family, especially his parents Brian and Theresa.

Also regarding today’s prayer requests, Melanie’s uncle had one of his carotid arteries cleared of a 90 percent blockage and they’re going to work on the other. And my friend’s tests came back negative, thanks be to God.

  • “It makes you think that some lives, as short and tragic as they are, are lived to provide an example to us, to get us to pray, to remind us of that life is a gift of God which we should appreciate every day. “

    Even with a short life, our cup runneth over…

  • Prayers will continue.  I can’t imagine the grief.

    Though I am glad to hear of the test results and the blockage clear for your other friends.

