Novena starts today

Novena starts today

Kelly Clark reminded me that today is the first day of the original Novena, i.e. the 9 days before Pentecost. If you wish to make a Novena, today would be a good day to start one. There are all sorts of Novena prayers on the Net, or you could just say a prayer to the Holy Spirit.

The novena recalls the nine days in which the apostles prayed for the coming of the Holy Spirit after Jesus ascended into heaven.

  • Hey Domenic and Hi Kelly, Thanks so much for promoting the Novena. This is a special time of prayer for our Church and it is essential that we all pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. Please may all your readers actively engage in this Novena and let the Spirit come on Pentecost Sunday.

  • So much of our traditional music is not only “sing-able,” but also theologically and prayerfully orthodox.  For those who don’t have constant access to either prayer cards or the ‘net, might I suggest praying (or singing—quietly, I suppose, in your cubicle!) “Come Holy Ghost”?

    Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest
    And in our hearts take up Thy rest.
    Come with Thy grace and heavn’ly aid
    To fill the hearts which Thou hast made,
    To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

    In the idiom of today, “Not bad for a bunch of DWEMs”

