Not part of the family

Not part of the family

John Kerry is personally opposed to owning an SUV, but won’t impose his beliefs on his wife, apparently. Kerry was quizzed by reporters about whether he owns an SUV and quickly said No. After all, the things are evil, right? But then they caught him when they asked him if his wife owns an SUV. Oops. “The family has it. I don’t have it,” he said.

I guess John Kerry isn’t part of his own family. What a hypocrite. It reminds me of Al Gore railing about SUVs and gas guzzlers while he was being ferried from place to place in a fleet of them.

Update: Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr tells us in his column today that Kerry also owns a 42-foot powerboat and a Gulfstream private jet. Not exactly fuel efficient. And as for the one SUV, Carr says that’s not all. He said they also have a Jeep Cherokee and, not one but two, Land Rovers at their home on Nantucket. But of course, they belong to the family so that’s different.

  • What is the likelihood of his becoming President?  I mean, we all seem to be for Bush on this Blog, so we believe he’ll win, but honestly.  The way Kerry keeps getting slugged by controversy the more it doesn’t really look good for him.

    And have you seen his commercials?  When did the middle class disappear?  I’m middle class. I think I’m still here, I don’t know, let me check…

  • Kerry wants a clean environment just like you do.  Only he wants you to be the one to sacrifice for it.  That’s real leadership…

  • Good Job KMac…which family? the first ? the second?

    This son of divorced parents really bristles at the hubris of Kerry.

    His comments roll out of his mouth like we are stupid.

    Anyone notice that virtually 100% of his campaign stops are at colleges? I thought it really weird..hearing at every turn this month…Kerry at this school , at that school.

    Sorry Johnny, 25 % of that generation has been aborted. The sociologists have noted it and the kids know it too.

    More and more I look at abortion supporters and then look at my 15 month old and feel like they’d kill him too. They threaten all of humanity.

