More rot in the chancery

More rot in the chancery

I mentioned last week that Bill Dittrich, director of the Boston archdiocese Institute for Ministry, was a featured speaker at Voice of the Faithful’s New England conference and is a member of their Structural Change Working Group.

It turns out he also apparently signed on to a full-page ad published by a liberal group before the election. The ad by Catholics Speak Out calls for Catholics to vote based on a litany of liberal positions, including “civil rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons.”

What is this radical heterodox group? Its web site says, “Catholics Speak Out, a program of the Quixote Center, encourages reform in the Roman Catholic Church and adult responsibility for faith. In particular, the project works towards equality and justice within the Church and dialogue between the laity and hierarchy on issues of sexuality, sexual orientation and reproduction.” By dialogue it means that the Church needs to change her teaching on premarital sex, homosexuality, contraception, and abortion.

Tell me again why someone affiliated with Catholics Speak Out and VOTF is in charge of adult formation and education for the Archdiocese of Boston? Doesn’t he seem like that wrong man for the job?

  • All I can say is that the job Bill Dittrich has done in his position as Director of Ministry in the Archdiocese of Boston is reflected in our [largely empty] pews.

    If I worked for UPS I would be fired for extolling the virtues of the USPS or FedEx to paying customers. Rightfully so, too.

  • >>why someone affiliated with Catholics Speak Out and VOTF is in charge of adult formation and education<<

    I don’t know anything about “Catholics Speak Out”…but is there a ban on anyone from VOTF holding an office within the archdiocese?

  • There’s probably no ban on anyone from ‘Catholics for a free Choice’ or ‘CTA’ or ‘CORPUS’ holding an office within the archdiocese either.

    But I wouldn’t have a 3rd base coach from the Yankees acting as a 3rd base coach for the Red Sox, kind of a conflict of interest, although maybe no actual written ban. Common sense, too.

  • From the diocese that brought you “Talking About Touching”, excellent advice on voting this Fall and the ministry of Paul Shanley.

  • Tell me again why someone affiliated with Catholics Speak Out and VOTF is in charge of adult formation and education for the Archdiocese of Boston?

    My perspective is somewhat different.

    Tell me why there even EXISTS a program called [sigh] the “Archdiocesan Institute for Ministry.”

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