Lame defenses

Lame defenses

It’s interesting watching the media being used by those opposed to parish closings in Boston to advance their cause through misdirection and obfuscation. The latest example: Parishioners at St. Susannah’s in Dedham claim they won’t all fit in the town’s other Catholic parish, St. Mary’s. The figures they pull out are laughable.

The St. Susannah’s folks claim that St. Mary’s won’t hold their “2,000” people. What 2,000 people? The article even says that weekly attendance in the last census was 641 people. St. Mary’s has five Masses every weekend. If every single person moves from St. Susannah’s to St. Mary’s and not another parish, that comes to 128 people per Mass. In a church the size of St. Mary’s, that’s a drop in the bucket. Plus they already have four priests to serve all those people, and they could just as easily add another Mass.

1 comment
  • I love this one.  Maybe they’re saying they’re worried about physically fitting, when they mean that they’re worried about “fitting in.”  =)

    Esp. if the town is “somewhat divided.”  Esp. if that “somewhat divided” has something to do with them and their administration of St. Susannah’s in a particular way. 


