Knights on a white horse

Knights on a white horse

The Knights of Columbus have donated $2.5 million to disaster relief, more than many US corporations, and will match any gifts made with the next 60 days to their Katrina Relief Fund. They also break down where that money is going.

  • Jeanne and I have discussed where we will send our relief money and it is definitely the KofC Charities (and not just because I’m a Past Grand Knight).

    Ever since the KofC sent out its agents with a check to the families of every cop, firefighter, and EMT lost on 9/11 (irregardless of KofC membership OR religion), they have proven they are this country’s PREMIER charitable organization.  The act swiftly and decisively, with no bureaucracy, and NO SKIMMING of funds!

    Most of the funds the KofC uses for charity at the national level come from the premiums from the KofC Insurance Company (member owned).  8% of all premiums go the KofC charities. 

    From [url=][/url]
    In the past decade, Knights raised and donated nearly $1 billion to numerous charitable causes and volunteered nearly 400 million hours of service. Last year, the Knights gave more than $125 million and more than 60 million volunteer hours to charitable causes.

    As one faithful priest reader to this blog once commented:  Every Catholic Man should be a Knight of Columbus!

    Dom:  It’s time…..

  • The KofC is my choice of all the organizations collecting charitable gifts for Katrina victims.  I do not contribute to Catholic Charities for several reasons including the unreliability the bishops have demonstrated in re “the situation.”

