Kerry excommunicated

Kerry excommunicated

I’ve been pretty scarce today, partly because I was writing this.

Less than 10 days later, he received a letter from Father Basil Cole, a Dominican theologian and consultant to the congregation based in Washington, DC, who said he had been “delegated” by Father Augustine DiNoia, undersecretary of the congregation, to give an unofficial response to the question that Balestrieri had submitted. ...

Father Cole wrote, “If a Catholic publicly and obstinately supports the civil right to abortion, knowing that the Church teaches officially against that legislation, he or she commits that heresy envisioned by Can. 751 of the Code [of Canon Law]. Provided that the presumptions of knowledge of the law and penalty and imputability are not rebutted in the external forum, one is automatically excommunicated ....”

Now, some people have made big deal out of the fact that Cole himself identifies his letter as an unofficial response. Some have even said he’s just a well-meaning theologian expressing his personal opinion. Not so.

  • Dom,

    If this in fact the case, which I will assume that it is, I will support the keeping of John Kerry, Tom Harkin, Mario Cuomo and whomever else necessary from the altar rail going forward.

    While it is highly unusual, as you state….excommunication is not suprising.  It is coming a bit faster than I expected.

    However, based on what you have written, it is falling just as Jaime and I have been describing….just faster than we expected.

    Also, to our defense what is the normal way to have this communicated?  Not through the laity, but rather through the heirarchy (ducking in case D’Hippolito is lurking).  That is why I have always said that the proper way is to act through the bishops….and apparently it is still the official way to communicate.

    At any rate, I will be as strong a defender of the Church’s stance, if this is in fact the case….a la John Henry Cardinal Newman.


  • The sad thing is that Kerry and most Catholics will be dumbfounded by this announcement. 
    I pray this will be an opportunity for folks to learn about their faith. 

    Honestly I feel sad for guy.  Not surprised mind you, but sad.


  • Do any of you think that the Vatacon and some US bishops are using this case to help solve the “Kerry problem?”  That would account for the speed with which it is moving forward.

  • We don’t rent our KofC building in Georgetown, MA to anyone.  Anyone wishing to use it for free must sign an afitdavit which states that they do not publicly disagree with the teachings of the Church.

    The Salem KofC is supposed to do the same thing.  The problem with Councils having halls, is that they have building “associations”, which are responsible for the utilization of the halls.  Often, these “associations”, since they provide the income for the councils, think they are independant of the council.

    All building associations are supposed to use the same “disclaimer”.  This was mandated by the state council.

    I believe last year, the ball was cancelled only after the bishop in Peabody called the KofC State Deputy, and the state deputy threatened to pull the charter of the Salem Council.

  • Dom, I guess I was thinking mainly about divorce and re-marriage outside the Church on the Knights and to get free publicity for his event. Here is an excerpt:

    The only thing I really needed to avenge was the principle and I did so. The Knights of Columbus cancelled my event only to allow another Witch event a month later as the ultimate slap in the face to me. I waited, and now the Knights of Columbus has served my purposes by removing an unnecessary mosquito on the skin of my own events by taking out the Vampire and Victims Ball, which had been causing us such consternation. I thank you for being my puppets. You played your role well. I am sure that the Salem Grand Knight is also feeling the heat for this as well. And, the best part is, since the Vampire and Victims Ball was cancelled, fifteen of the people the event hostess refunded have since bought tickets to my Vampires Ball so you not only eliminated an enemy and served justice to the grand knight, you made me money as well. smile

    Witches like to claim that they’re just like you and me, nice people who just have a different religion. I’ve never encountered a self-proclaimed witch whose behavior belied that claim. If he wants to think I’m a puppet, fine. What the council was doing was wrong in any case and it needed to be stopped. That it benefitted this guy is of no consequence to me. It was an unintended side effect.

    His email also says that the Taste of Thyme cafe in Salem is run by his partner. I’m glad to know that as I will be avoiding patronizing it and, in my role as vice-chairman of my parish’s pastoral council, will encourage my fellow Salem Catholics to avoid it as well. There are plenty of other places to eat in Salem.


    2004-10-18 09:19:15
    2004-10-18 13:19:15

    2004-10-18 11:14:26
    2004-10-18 15:14:26
    Tha male witch claims to find happiness in using people (Dom), but I don’t believe him. Doing evil never produces personal happiness.

