Ireland’s gay priest problem

Ireland’s gay priest problem

Not sure what to make of this. A gay priest in Ireland who was suspended from his duties, but says he still has faculties, says he will lobby the Irish government for gay rights after he ripped up the recent Vatican document on gay marriage.

Seosamh O Riain was suspended from ministry three years ago for his strident homosexuality and his views of divorce and abortion. Funny how those three things always crop up together. But when he says he still has faculties, what I suspect is that he means he hasn’t been laicized. Since he has shown himself to be an unrepentant heretic (what else would you call such blatant rejection of the Church’s teachings?), he should be accommodated and be laicized. And, for his own good, he should be informed of his self-impelled excommunication from the Church.

O Riain, who now works as a supermarket manager in Ennis said, “It’s taken me a few years to be proud of who I am. I’ve stayed quiet about this for far too long, the Church has persecuted me and I’ve stayed quiet. The life of a priest can be very lonely as it is, but the life of a gay priest is hell. It’s time to stand up and be counted,” he concluded.

Persecuted? You’ve spent time on the rack, have you? No? Then what do you mean by persecuted? Oh right, for the radically liberal telling him that he’s wrong is persecution and hate.

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