I am not my blog

I am not my blog

It’s interesting how people can judge you, your mental health, and your spiritual life, without having met you, but based solely on what is written on your blog. I won’t get more specific than that, but I do have a point to make.

It seems obvious to me, and it’s probably obvious to most of you, but it’s clearly not obvious to some people: I am not my blog.

I do not spend all day complaining about bishops. I don’t have long conversations with my friends about the Scandal.

I am funnier than my blog and more easygoing. I don’t complain all the time. I care more about sports, especially local sports. I like to drink good wine, cold beers, or fine Scotches, and talk with friends about the piddly stuff of life: work, women, vacations, cars, what’s on TV and so on. I am not as serious as my blog might lead you to believe.

I am both more shy and more gregarious. In person, I tend to be reserved around people I’ve only just met and I don’t do awkward small talk well. But get to know me and become my friend and we’ll laugh or talk seriously together for hours on end with all the intensity I have.

I am also more prayerful than my blog. I purposefully don’t put my spirituality on parade. I don’t usually discuss my prayer life, and I don’t give spiritual discourses. That’s not why I started this site. There are others who do this well, and I’ll leave it to them. Here, I prefer to discuss current events and the news, because that’s what I do well.

My point is that you shouldn’t judge anyone by their blogs, because there is no way that a web site can convey the true, complete person, such as what you would experience in a face-to-face meeting. And, honestly, I’m wary of people who tend to air their most private, intimate selves in public on a web site. It doesn’t seem proper or prudent and so I’m not going to do that.

I just thought that needed to be said.


