Gregory Peck, RIP

Gregory Peck, RIP

I just heard that Gregory Peck has died. He was 87. To be honest I didn’t even know he was still alive. What a great actor. In memoriam, I plan on watching his great movie, “Roman Holiday.” May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. And may the Lord have mercy on him.

I note that David Brinkley has also died. He was one of the last great, distinguished journalists of a bygone era. RIP.

1 comment
  • Perhaps dismal in priorities, but a very good actor…I mean, “To Kill a Mockingbird”!

    (Parenthetically speaking, William Pryor is going throuth the same thing Robert Bork went though, and for the same reasons…let’s hope reason prevails.)

    As for David Brinkley—I remember as a little girl a bedtime ritual with my room-sharing sister.

    She: “Good-night, Chet”
    Me: “Good-night, David”

    Good-night, David. Rest in peace.

