Fainting fad

Fainting fad

Maybe we should lower the drinking age. At least that way kids will find a less dangerous way to get high. In Maine, middle-school kids are inducing fainting spells to get high. If it’s not huffing paint fumes or sniffing glue or some other crazy things, now they’re cutting off blood flow to their heads to get a rush. Of course, if they’re dumb enough to do this, it seems the blood flow was cut off to their brains long ago.

Yes, drinking alcohol has it’s own dangers, but at least if it’s normalized like in Europe there’s little mystery to it and then there isn’t the danger of causing permanent brain damage. (I’m only half serious about lowering the drinking age.)

  • The drinking age in the United States should be at least 18.  A person who can be called upon to die for their country should enjoy the rights that everyone else does.  Furthermore, the way the federal government has blackmailed the states into raising the drinking age to 21 (they withhold highway funds if the drinking age is lower) is yet another example of why state’s rights need to be defended.

    Having said that the example above says more about the poor state of the culture and the Family in the U.S. than anything else.

  • This is something that we used to do in high school also.  And I went to a good Catholic school and most of us were from large, very Catholic families.  What this demonstrates more than anything is that teenagers do stupid things, things just don’t make sense to us, adults, but somehow make sense to them.  Even the ones from good families.

