Don’t let the door hit you…

Don’t let the door hit you…

Eleven priests have left active ministry, since Bishop Thomas Olmsted became bishop of Phoenix in 2003 and an article in the Arizona Republic says that they were forced out by their bishop. Actually, only four say they were moved from ministry or resigned based on their public support of a pro-homosexual document that was in conflict with the Church’s teaching. According to the newspaper, “Their departures further exacerbate a shortage of priests in the diocese, which has several parish vacancies.”

Let me be clear: I’d rather have one priest per dozen parishes than have 12 priests in those parishes, 11 of whom are heretics. What good does it do to have a priest who rejects the fundamental teachings of the Church in active ministry? That’s like keeping a geography teacher who believes the world is flat just because you need a teacher in that classroom. Yeah, there’s a teacher there but are they going to learn any useful information?

The situation in a parish is much more important because it’s eternal salvation at stake. If bishops actually believe the faith of which they claim to be shepherds, they how could they tolerate any priest or church employee who undermines that faith, teaching error and sin to the people as truth and righteousness? I wish my own bishop, Archbishop Sean O’Malley, adhered to that standard.

  • Also, I wonder how many priest who were happy to be somewhat heterodox when that was the fad now are rediscovering the joys of orthodoxy under their new bishop?  It’s a lot easier to be a sloppy and anything goes sort of priest where one doesn’t have to give anyone the bad news about their moral lives than to deal with the sometimes tough realities of the faith.  I suspect that most problem priests are of this sort and will be quick to toe the line, whereas the eleven who left are the hardened ringleaders of descent: there is very little downside to their leaving.

  • John, there is a possible downside—they may get hired by some OTHER Diocese.

    Taking odds…LA?  Cleveland? Rochester?….

  • Exactly, Thomas.

    Bishop Thomas Olmsted will gain back in vocations 10 times what he has “lost.”

    The EWTN nuns are on the scene (there’s nothing like thousands of hours of adoration of the Holy Eucharist to really fire things up.)  There’s going to be 2-3 more Tridentine Masses.

    Phoenix will be on spiritual fire within weeks.  Bishop Thomas Olmsted better contact a architect to have expansion plans ready for the seminary.

