Dean’s religious pandering

Dean’s religious pandering

Does anyone see Howard Dean’s newfound desire to speak about his personal faith while traveling through the more religious South to be anything more than pandering? This is the man who left the Episcopal Church over his parish’s opposition to a public bike path. His own words about Jesus sound more like the extolling of a social worker than of the Son of God.

“Christ was someone who sought out people who were disenfranchised, people who were left behind,” Howard Dean told the Boston Globe. “He fought against self-righteousness of people who had everything. ... He was a person who set an extraordinary example that has lasted 2000 years, which is pretty inspiring when you think about it.”

Christ is (not was) much more than someone who fought against self-righteousness. He paid for our sins by his blood and opened the gates of heaven for us. Why is it when Democrats, they of the “Godless Party”, talk about religion it comes out like another social welfare policy statement? Of course, Dean doesn’t see his own statements as pandering.

Asked in the Globe interview whether a presidential candidate could win without talking about religious faith, Dean said, “Dick Nixon and Ronald Reagan never said much about religion. I think it’s important, and you have to respect other people’s religious beliefs and honor them, but you don’t have to pander to them.”

But then, when you start trotting out your own beliefs and pump them up to try to identify with religious believers, that’s not pandering?

1 comment
  • What I found interesting in the article is *this* little detail about Dean:

    “His wife and two children are Jewish.”

    How can a man who describes himself as “a committed believer in Jesus Christ,” raise his children Jewish?

