Consorting with those who hate you

Consorting with those who hate you

Fr. Rob Johansen is disturbed by the information that Boston Globe columnist Ellen Goodman has been asked to speak at Ohio Dominican University. I’ve frequently dissected Goodman’s columns here, and she has proven herself to be nothing more than a heretodox Catholic who rejects the Church’s most fundamental teachings and holds nothing but contempt for the Church.

I’m sure the university will claim that having Goodman speak is an attempt to bring differing voices to campus in order to broaden the dialogue and expose students to the variety of points of view in society or some such nonsense. The fact is that not every point of view is valid and must be given an airing. What next, Holocaust deniers? After all, they have a point of view, too.

Didn’t the US bishops issue guidelines earlier this year that pro-abortion speakers were not to be given platforms to speak at Catholic institutions?

Fr. Rob suggests we email the university to register our outrage (contact info at his blog). Perhaps it might also be good to contact their new bishop, Bishop Frederick Campbell, now of Columbus, who was appointed to the diocese this week. Could be a nice way for him to start his new ministry.

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