Colosseum - Way of the Cross 2006

Colosseum - Way of the Cross 2006

By now you have probably seen these on other blogs, but if not I recommend you read the prayers and meditations for the Way of the Cross in Rome tonight composed by Archbishop Angelo Comastri.

They are beautiful and powerful and direct. On the Vatican web site, they are accompanied by beautiful artwork from a church in Munich.

Here is the text of the meditation on the 12th station, “Jesus Dies on the Cross”:

People foolishly thought: God is dead!
But if God is dead, who will still give us life?
If God is dead, what is life itself?
Life is Love!
So the cross is not God’s death,
but the moment when the fragile shell
of the humanity taken up by God
is shattered
and a flood of love bursts forth
to renew all humanity.

From the cross was born the new life of Saul,
from the cross was born the conversion of Augustine,
from the cross was born the joyful poverty of Francis of Assisi,
from the cross was born the radiant goodness of Vincent de Paul;
from the cross was born the heroism of Maximilian Kolbe,
from the cross was born the amazing charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta,
from the cross was born the courage of John Paul II,
from the cross was born the revolution of love:
so the cross is not the death of God,
but the birth of his Love in our world.

Blessed be the cross of Christ!

V/. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi. (We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.)

R/. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum. (Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.)

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