Charles Barkley on conservatives: “fake Christians”

Charles Barkley on conservatives: “fake Christians”

Charles Barkley, the loudmouth former basketball player, was interviewed on CNN and said that conservatives are ‘fake Christians’. He’s pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage and he thinks that being opposed to those things makes one judgmental and in violation of the verse which says, “Judge not, lest you be judged.”

Uh, Charles, what do you think you’re doing by judging conservative Christians? You can’t have it both ways.

Oh, and he said he just bought a house in Alabama so that he can establish his seven years of residency and run for governor of the state in 2014.

So you think pro-life, pro-traditional marriage conservatives are “fake Christians” and you intend to run for governor of perhaps the most Southern of Southern states. Yeah, good luck with that.



