Archdiocese reveals property plans

Archdiocese reveals property plans

The Boston archdiocese revealed some details of how it will manage closed properties yesterday at a meeting with municipal leaders in towns with closing parishes.

The earliest properties will go on the market will be October. No parish that is currently under appeal will have its property sold, but they will still be closed pending the outcome of the appeal. The archdiocese does not plan to sell everything off right away, and has pledged to maintain the buildings so they don’t become an eyesore (just as it has maintained other closed parishes over the years.) They have refused the request to give towns the right of first refusal, but neither will they sell everything at top dollar or market rate. The first consideration will be whether the future use of the property promotes the mission of the Church.

1 comment
  • Didn’t Archbishop Sheen on one of his shows have a proposal for dioceses to let the local goverment take its pick on any one block of church property it wanted and turn it into affordable housing or something like that?

