All the ills rolled up in one story

All the ills rolled up in one story

This story pretty much sums up all of the current social ills I’ve talked about on thie blog: paganism, homosexuality, child sexual abuse, abuse of authority positions, the problems in the public schools. There’s probably a few more I’m missing:

A teacher and a 14-year-old former female student whom she is accused of sexually assaulting participated in witchcraft together and even “wed” in a pagan ritual, police said.

Welcome to public school.

Of course, there will be those who argue that this is not about homosexuality nor even withcraft, just the clergy sex-abuse scandal isn’t about homosexuality either. Sure, whatever.

  • 004-12-07 19:50:18
    The problem is not just sexual harassment, it is sexual harassment of a homosexual nature, and if they had kept homosexuals out of the priesthood and/or dealt with homosexuality as it arose, they could have prevented 80 percent of the problem or more.

  • Once again, you have it wrong.

    I did not say it was politically incorrect to claim homosexuality has anything to do with the scandal. What I said was that sexual harassment was the overarching issue. That is something that infects everywhere in the real world. Just because some of it is homosexual in nature does not mean that homosexuality is the core problem.

  • “Eighty percent of those who were abused were boys above the age of puberty. That7 15:50:18
    2004-12-07 19:50:18
    The problem is not just sexual harassment, it is sexual harassment of a homosexual nature, and if they had kept homosexuals out of the priesthood and/or dealt with homosexuality as it arose, they could have prevented 80 percent of the problem or more.

  • A reply to Deacon Mike.

    We need to talk about sexual harassment, by men on men and women, boys and girls; and by women on men and women, boys and girls.

    So, as you say, “If there were no homosexual priests, those cases wouldnomment_date>
    2004-12-08 19:43:03
    To prove that GOR is wrong (again), here is a list of some heterosexual scandals involving US clergy.

    Atlanta, Georgia: Archbishop Eugene A. Marino, the first black American bishop, resigned in 1990 after the exposure of a relationship with an adult woman. She claimed that they had exchanged marriage vows.

    New York: Auxiliary Bishop James F. McCarthy resigned after admitting he had several affairs with a number of women.

    Santa Fe, New Mexico: Archbishop Robert Sanchez resigned in 1993 after admitting affairs with young women in the 1980s and 1970s.

    And these are just the bishops. So as you can see, the problem of homosexual harassment is a variation on a theme, not the core of the problem. QED.

  • The classic ploy of the homosexual activists and their supporters is to shift the discussion thor_IP>
    2004-12-08 15:43:03
    2004-12-08 19:43:03
    To prove that GOR is wrong (again), here is a list of some heterosexual scandals involving US clergy.

    Atlanta, Georgia: Archbishop Eugene A. Marino, the first black American bishop, resigned in 1990 after the exposure of a relationship with an adult woman. She claimed that they had exchanged marriage vows.

    New York: Auxiliary Bishop James F. McCarthy resigned after admitting he had several affairs with a number of women.

    Santa Fe, New Mexico: Archbishop Robert Sanchez resigned in 1993 after admitting affairs with young women in the 1980s and 1970s.

    And these are just the bishops. So as you can see, the problem of homosexual harassment is a variation on a theme, not the core of the problem. QED.

  • That the list is short enough that you could even list them in a blog comment shows the ridiculousness of the assertion. Eighty Percent!! More than 80% of the cases involved homosexual sex. That isn’t variation on a theme, that is the theme.

  • Nice try, Mr. Burke but it won’t wash.

    Are you being an apologist for homosexuals…? If so, you are in ‘good’ company – many bishops do it also…

    I think you also need to reflect on the meaning of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ – again…

    Saying it, doesn’t make it so.

  • You really don’t understand.

    Homosexual sexual harassment is abhorrent and unacceptable. “Wrong,” as you say.

    Heterosexual sexual harassment is abhorrent and unacceptable. “Wrong,” as you say.

    What is the common thread? Not ‘homosexual’ but ‘sexual harassment.’

    You are making your argument backwards from your pre-determined conclusion, an elementary logical error. Wrong, as I would say.

    Time to shake the dust from my sandals. Adios.

  • If the guy says he is still sexually attracted to other men, then no deal.

    That’s a bit simplistic Dom.  The alcoholic or drug user would still have cravings for the rest of their life.  That’s their cross to bear if you would.  If you don’t think homosexuality is genetically predispositioned, then the only thing it can be categorized as is a personality disorder.  And there are no cures for personality disorders.  You can only compensate for them. 

    I have a feeling that you may comment back that you and I have been round and round on this or similar issues.  I’m not trying to stir up an argument with no end.  I’m just trying to get clarification on your opinion.  Does the chaste homosexual fall into the same category as the recovering alcoholic?  Can either be an active priest?

  • A man who has had carnal knowledge of another man should never be ordained.  He will not be able to live in community as other men can. 

    In our society, we treat sex as a passtime or a sport, but it’s far more serious than that.  The individuals with which one has sex are imprinted on one’s personality for life.  It is very important where that first sexual encounter occurs.  It should occur in the marriage bed.  The consequences otherwise will be devastating.

    Yes, I know I sound really old-fashioned, but what I am telling you is the truth. 

