Abba Pater: YouTube edition

Abba Pater: YouTube edition

Two years ago I put together a slideshow set to music in tribute to Pope John Paul II after his death. The photos are from his life while the music is from a CD that set his own words and prayers to music. The CD and this song are both “Abba Pater.” It’s the Holy Father’s voice and the music was added later.

The movie was taken down long ago due to bandwidth restrictions, but in the current world of YouTube, I can put it back online finally. Here it is.

(N.B.: The video may be unavailable for a brief time after this entry is posted. I just uploaded it to YouTube and it’s still being processed at the time of posting.)

Update: I notice that there are a couple of others on YouTube who had similar ideas. I don’t know if we all had the same great idea at the same time two years ago. In any case, I’m happy to see so many tributes to JPII there.

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1 comment
  • Hey Dom
    I watched a few others…yours is my fav, so I “borrowed” it for my site too! Well done, well done.

    (PS Saw Colella this weekend. Good stuff could be in the works between his employer and mine!)

