Getting a haircut is like being shriven*

Getting a haircut is like being shriven*

(To shrive oneself: present oneself to a priest for confession, penance, and absolution.)

Trim me, barber, because my hair has grown.
It has been 2 months since my last haircut.
Here are my bangs.
A little shorter than a regular on top, square back, 1-1/2 blade on the sides and back.


  • I actually think visiting the dentist is a lot more like confession:

    Forgive me dentist, I have sinned. It’s been 2 years since my last cleaning.

    I don’t floss daily. I drink soda. I only brush twice a day and not for at least two minutes.

  • I guess that makes me a hair protestant.  I reject the idea that one must present ones hairs to a barber in order to be shrived.  The length of my hairs is no barbers business.  I can present them to the clippers directly to have them cut.

  • As a priest, I envy the barber: sometimes the person in MY chair spends ten minutes talking about the OTHER person’s hair…er, sins… smile

    Oh, and tips for us in Confession are an absolute NO NO.

