Voices silences by VOTF

Voices silences by VOTF

Once again, Voice of the Faithful proves it’s a voice of only some of the less-than-faithful. In Providence, where VOTF is allowed to meet on parish property, two guys who joined the group to be able to witness to the Church’s teachngs were eventually barred from the meetings and called “Trojan horses.” In Worcester, Mass., when a forming chapter did not get the required number of votes of those present at a meeting to form a chapter, they did anyway and those who voted against were not allowed to join.

These are not aberrations as the VOTF head office claims, but part of a pattern of exclusion of those who disagree with the movement’s goals or even of those who just want to make sure the organization doesn’t do anything contrary to the Catholic faith. For an organization that claims to be the voice of all Catholics, no matter what they believe, it’s mighty strange that they would be reject any Catholic who desires to be part of the group.


