Struggling to condemn papolatry

Struggling to condemn papolatry

A Protestant sect called the Christian Reformed Church is holding its synod in Michigan and is struggling with the denomination’s historical condemnation of the Catholic teaching on the Eucharist. It’s interesting that the main figure opposing changing the condemnation of the Catholic belief is a former Catholic. What’s most interesting is that an official study committee has recommended changing the CRC’s condemnation to note that Catholic teaching “does not imply idolatry or deny Christ’s final sacrifice on the cross.”

“We’re wrong, but we don’t have the stomach to get rid of this thing so we’re going to put it in a smaller font,” said the Rev. Scott Hoezee of Calvin CRC in Grand Rapids. “In a loud voice or a whisper, it’s still besmirching our neighbors’ good name.”

Reconciliation and reunification is forged by many small steps over time, and rarely by large movements all at once. Remember Jesus’ prayer: “That they may all be one.” Jesus’ prayers always bear fruit and this one will too in time.


