Saving children is what we do

Saving children is what we do

Justin Torres writes movingly of his sister-in-law, 26-year-old Susan Torres who suffered a stroke, has no discernable brain function, but remains on life support in the hope that her unborn child at 17 weeks of development will survive long enough to be delivered.

Justin has experienced the end result of the abortion mentality that has crept like an evil fog into all corners of our society, infecting our brains with the niggling doubts that its all-pervasive influence brings.

But this is where abortion, and the utilitarian mindset that it engenders concerning the sanctity of human life, steals its way into this tragedy. I think of it as “the moment,” the little whisper of hesitation, shared not just by the doctors but even by my family. It’s the moment in which you think, is this right? Are we doing the right thing? Wouldn’t it just be better to let go, start over, find closure?

... For my family, the moment was no more than a hiccup. Still, it is clear that for some of the doctors involved in this case, the decisions my brother and Susan’s parents have made are foolish. That is the effect of abortion: that it has in various, subtle ways sapped the intrinsic human impulse to fight for the good of children.

Isn’t it sad where we’ve ended up. In addition to the horrific death tolls of millions of aborted babies, you have to include the loss of our own instinct to save the helpless in the butcher’s bill. The promoters of abortion will have much to answer for when they stand before God.


