Ooh, a “business opportunity” in Iraq

Ooh, a “business opportunity” in Iraq

Evidently, US combat forces in Iraq don’t have enough to do and have been taking lessons from the Nigerian peacekeepers in Internet-based “business opportunities.”

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
TEL/FAX: 17756550117
Attention Sir:
Top of the day to you!I am an american combatant soldier(air force) presently in Iraq since early march this year.My decision to contact you came as a result of a new development virtue of my present position in the military camp,which to a great extent inhibits my ability in terms of mobility to execute this project,hence, I write to solicit your interest in this transaction virtue of your esteem position.
May you be obliged, please kindly contact me through my e-mail address as above for details.
Kindest regards,

Capt.Edward Martins

For one thing, if any US military officer were this illiterate and unable to express himself in writing, he wouldn’t be put in charge of latrine maintenance. And show me a single American soldier who would every start an email “Top of the day to you.” Maybe he’s been spending too much exchange time with the Brits in Basra. Are there really people gullible enough to fall for these scams (of which I receive at least a dozen per day)?


