News on the Shroud of Turin

News on the Shroud of Turin

I’ve always been a bit of a Shroud of Turin buff. It’s a great juxtaposition of faith and science, and while I’ve never bought the carbon-dating that supposedly proved it was a hoax, I believe science will go a long way toward helping us understand its mysteries. To that end, a new analysis shows a new image of the face on the Shroud and other images. Long story short, it says that the image we think we see of the Man in the Shroud hasn’t always been accurately rendered by technology. In fact, the face, including the nose, are broader and more realistic looking.

It also says that the finding of a second “face” or a second image of the same face eliminates claims that the image on the Shroud is an artistic forgery and lends credence to the claim that a natural process formed the images. The article also includes the bit about how the carbon 14 dating has been to shown to have been wrong by a Los Alamos National Laboratory chemist.


