Canadian pro-life protests

Canadian pro-life protests

One of the big deals in the battle against the culture of death up in Canada at the moment is the awarding of an honorary doctorate to Henry Morgentaler at University of Western Ontario this month. Who’s he? He’s just the father of abortion in Canada. To top it off, the secular university has three Christian colleges that are part of it. Those disturbed by the idea have set up a protest web site. (Morgentaler is one of those liberal heroes who broke the law by performing illegal abortions and then used his court case to get the laws overturned.)

What makes this even more disturbing, if that’s possible, is that on the same stage at the same time Fr. Edward Malloy of Notre Dame University will also be receiving an honorary degree. Just on the basis of principle alone, Fr. Malloy should reject the award. Morgentaler is a radical pro-abortionist. Would Malloy share the stage with any other person who so willing ly advocates the legal murder of any other class of people?

There is a petition on the site, and they’re organizing Masses to be held on June 16, the day of the convocation. Some protests sent to the president’s office at Notre Dame might help too.


