Boston Archdiocese spokesman to resign

Boston Archdiocese spokesman to resign

Donna Morrissey, the spokesman for the Archdiocese of Boston, will be quitting her job, according to the Boston Herald. Although there’s been no announcement, sources at the chancery have confirmed it to the newspaper.

I don’t see anything nefarious or dubious in this. She’s been there two years and the last year may have seemed like ten for her. She acquitted herself well in the task and is likely to be offered some very lucrative jobs. She’s also a newlywed (or about to be married; I can’t remember which) and the long days and nights of the press watch are probably no longer as fun. And finally, with Cardinal Law—the man who hired her—gone and with the likelihood that a new archbishop would want to bring in his own people and ...  there you have it.

I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. Morrissey was being edged out of the view of the mediain recent months with Father Christopher Coyne being quoted much more often as archdiocesan spokesman.

In any case, a job well done in difficult circumstances, Donna, and best of luck in wherever you go now.


