A bizarre note

A bizarre note

Dale Price commenting on Mark Shea’s take on McCormack (see the comments on the post) recalls something Rod Dreher noticed back in April:

    ... There’s a strange line in a letter from Shanley to Bishop John McCormack, who served as a liaison between Shanley, then in California, and Msgr. Frederick Ryan, then vice-chancellor of the archdiocese, who has sense (sic) been removed amid accusations of sex abuse and collecting pornographic photos of teenagers. Shanley wrote McCormack: “Thank you for acting as a go-between with Fred Ryan. Here’s the latest batch.” Batch of ... what?

Good question, Rod. Batch of what, indeed?

What is it that made McCormack so sympathetic to perverts like Shanley and Birmingham and so callous toward the victims? I don’t dare voice my suspicions.


