Where has Catholic World News gone?

Where has Catholic World News gone?

If you’ve tried to access the Catholic World News web site today you’ve probably gotten an error message. While I’m not privy to the latest details, it seems there’s a problem with the connection between our web hosting provider and Sprint. (Our sites at the same provider, such as Catholic Culture and New Advent are also down.)

I don’t know when we’ll be back up again, but I’m hoping it will be soon. When I have some details, I’ll let you know, but for now I’m as much in the dark as the rest of you.

N.B. In case you’re new here, one of my day job titles is managing editor of Catholic World News. Not a whole lot to manage when you can’t get to your web site.

Update: And we’re back!

  • “Web site not responding” has become the successor to the ‘blue screen of death’…….smile

    Of late it seems that Internet Explorer has also lost its marbles. I get a lot of “IE can’t find website” on the first try. On the second try it appears to have no problem ‘finding’ it.

    Ah, technology…

