What to do when the war has been won

What to do when the war has been won

Anti-war zealots, their raison d’etre gone now that the war in Iraq was started, was won, and is now over, are depressed and trying to find something else to do. Leave it to this crowd to be depressed about their own failure to convince others of their correctness—but not the failure of their own vision—rather than rejoice in discovering that a tyrant could be overthrown relatively quickly with relatively few losses on all sides. (Of course, it’s relative because to a person who lost a loved one, it was the worst thing possible.)

  • Todd,

    I’m either a worse communicator than I thought or you work hard to misinterpret me.

    There is no relativism in my post. The ends do not justify the means, and as far as I am concerned the means were just and in line with the Church’s teaching on just war.

    Your opinion is that the US is wrong in seeking out the doers of evil and those who threaten America. Have at it, buddy. Personally, I think you have your head in the sand.

    You like to see conspiracies in the military-industrial complex and I think that’s all a lot of hooey concocted by overimaginative Hollywood-types and campus liberals.

    Did America once give support to Saddam? Yep, when the alternative was a lot worse. Was America wrong to support him? Yep, you bet. Yet I would be a lot more disturbed if we had continued to support him after we realized our mistake, than I am that we decided that this isn’t a good guy to support after all.

  • Not all relativism is wrong. Some things are relative. Some things are worse than other things. The loss of someone I love is worse than the death of someone I don’t, at least to me. To find hypocrisy or fault in that is just plain odd.

    And in other areas, you do have to make decisions about things and sometimes one alternative is preferable to another. Overthrowing Saddam did take less time than World War II or “relatively” less time. And it involved fewer casualties than, say, Vietnam, or “relatively” few. Why you find something wrong with that is also odd.

    And you have an oddly naive view of international relations.

