Wal-Mart reverses course and joins the abortion industry

Wal-Mart reverses course and joins the abortion industry

I try to be careful not to praise big companies too quickly for what appears at the time to be a moral stand, when in fact it may just be a business decision that will easily be reversed. A few weeks ago, many praised Wal-Mart for saying it would not stock the abortifacient “morning-after” pill in its pharmacies. That decision was short-lived. This week they announced they will sell it.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) noted that Wal-Mart relented to pressure by pro-abortion groups to consent to carry the morning-after pill, not in response to requests by customers.

“By all accounts, Wal-Mart’s decision came after a high-pressure campaign orchestrated by abortion groups like Planned Parenthood,” said Wendy Wright, CWA’s President. “There is not a great demand for the morning-after pill by Wal-Mart’s customers. Other pharmacies have also reported a lack of requests for the drug.

“This decision will artificially inflate the number of ‘sales’ to stock Wal-Mart’s stores. We expect that abortion advocates will use the artificially inflated numbers to make claims about the number of pills used. Yet a large number of those pills will be sitting unsold on pharmacists’ shelves. Wal-Mart will be stocking the drug but that won’t make women buy it.”

The goal of the radical abortion lobby is to make abortion so easily available and ubiquitous so that the stigma is removed. If women can just pop a pill and kill their babies, there is no need for abortion clinics outside of which pro-lifers can picket. They want it to be like taking an aspirin.

It’s the banalization of the murder of children. Congratulations to the world’s largest retailer for joining Team Moloch and alienating your red-state customers. (What they probably did was do a study of whether their primary customer base would stop shopping there if they did this and found that those shoppers don’t care enough. Indeed where else can we go? Is Target or any other big-box retailer any better?)

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  • Shall we hope that Wal-Mart sets the price especially high this time?

    An unintended side-effect of RU-B52 (as John Mallon calls it): if abortions are done with pills rather than surgery, the abortion industry as such will be diminished.  Doctors won’t have much financial gain from abortion.  Planned Parenthood will lose business in its abortion operations; they will have to close some mills and reduce staff.  The prospects for restricting and banning surgical abortions may improve.

  • From what I understand, Wal*Mart made this decision based on the fact that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts forced them to provide the pill.  They did not want to do it, but they also desire to keep prices low by standardizing their product line across the country.  The real culprit here is Massachusetts.  Pharmacists at Wal*Mart have been reminded that they should follow their consciences in filling prescriptions – they cannot be forced to fill something to which they are morally opposed.  At least this is my understanding of the situation, based on what I understood my wife (a pharmacist for Wal*Mart) to say.

