They won’t be intimidated

They won’t be intimidated

Ah yes, the indispensable service that most religious orders in the US provide to the Church. After all, where would we be if we didn’t have the “1,000 leaders of US Catholic religious orders” meeting in Texas on Saturday to tell us that “following Jesus simply didn’t mean being dutiful mouthpieces for the Vatican or the American bishops.” That’s right, they’re telling us that they won’t allow “the church to be hijacked by seemingly dictatorial pronouncements by a conservative hierarchy. Be bold, prophetic and, when necessary, even defiant, they told one another.”

Gee, how could we have missed it all these years? The real magisterium is not found in the Pope and the bishops of the world in communion with him. It is found in the leadership of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the Conference of Major Superiors of Men.

  • It indicates that there were “1,000 people” in attendance.

    Are we sure that that number is not the TOTAL of membership in these Orders?

  • I was struck by the irony of these two stories today:

    On the one hand you have Fr. Paul Shaughnessy courageously ministering to wounded Marines under enemy fire in Iraq really dislike this stuff, I’d rather have it out in the open.

    But Colleen, I’m sorry. You simply cannot claim the “dolt and lazy” title…I already have that one wrapped up!

    However, in the event that Miss Kelly is unable to fulfill her duties as “Miss Dolt & Lazy,” you, as first runner up… wink

