The real cost of gay adoption

The real cost of gay adoption

In all the debate over gay adoptions and Catholic Charities, the Church’s teaching that gay adoption does “spiritual violence” to the kids has been ignored at best or dismissed as “homophibia” at worst. Instead, we’re told over and over that same-sex parents are wonderful, with hints that they may be even better than normal opposite-sex parents, because they take kids who who straight parents pass up and even that they appreciate the kids more because they can’t have biological kids of their own.

But is that the reality? The

National Catholic Register sought out kids of same-sex parents for their take on how it affected them.

Charles Mitchell and two brothers were adopted as infants by two men. He called same-sex adoption “a tragic social experiment” and said, “homosexuality destroyed a normal way of life for us.”

Often, the homosexual parents shown in the media are straight-laced, responsible men. Mitchell said that his “dad” and “uncle” weren’t unlike that. But “it’s not just the two people involved; it’s the environment.”

Both he and his two adopted brothers were sexually molested by friends of his “dad” and his “uncle.” To this day it is difficult for him to trust men, he said on a March 14 “Straight Talk Radio” broadcast.

Are all children of same-sex parents molested as kids? No. Do some of them grow up and live normal lives? Undoubtedly. Do some children of opposite-sex parents grow up to be maladjusted and are some molested as kids? Of course. The question is whether the homosexual culture and environment is intrinsically inimical to children. The radical gay lobby would say not. But what is the reality?

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  • It’s good to see you asking some of the right questions.  It seems to me, however, that the issue of establishing an atmosphere that sanctions homosexual acting out is even more inimical because of the violence it does to the child’s conscience about such matters.

  • I had submitted comments yesterday, they appeared in the list yesterday, but today they are gone. Did I do something wrong to have them removed?


