So daring! So shocking!

So daring! So shocking!

Rolling Stone magazine has dressed up the latest rich-rapper-who-pretends-to-be-oppressed Kanye West as Jesus Christ for its latest cover, expecting everyone to be shocked and outraged, leading to lots of attention. Yawn.

If they wanted to really be daring and shocking, dress him up as Mohammed. Now that would be taking a risk. Christians won’t send death threats and burn down your offices over a blasphemy.

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  • Actually the cover just looks dumb.  If you’re going to mock Jesus Christ, you need olive skin and long hair.  This guy doesn’t even come close.  When I saw that thing yesterday it took a few minutes before I could even figure out what they were trying to do.  It’s not clever and shocking.  It’s just childish and stupid.

  • Interesting your comment on Mohammed.

    Even South Park won’t touch him.

    Moses, Satan, Jesus, no problem, but not Mohammed….

    Well, not to best of my knowledge so far.

