Smackdown on St. Joan’s parish

Smackdown on St. Joan’s parish

The infamous St. Joan’s parish in the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese has received a reprimand, not only from the archdiocese, but from the Vatican. The parish has been ordered to remove Gay Pride materal from its web site and to stop having laypeople give homilies.

I’m glad to see some action being taken, but I have two questions. First, why did it take an order from the Vatican to get this done? It’s not like Archbishop Flynn was not aware of what’s going on there, so why didn’t he do this on his own? Second, why is Fr. Wertin still pastor there? He is obviously teaching heresy and leading his people astray. He should be pulled from the parish and told he will not receive any assignment so long as he does not repent of his heterodoxy. Maybe some time in a nice orthodox monastery would do him some good.

The people of St. Joan’s parish have a right to the Truth and their archbishop has a duty to ensure they get it. How long must they wait for it?

  • Sometimes Dom….the faithful won’t listen.  Archbishop Flynn has been dealing with St. Joan of Arc since the day he came to St. Paul.

    Here is a link:

    From St. Joan’s website, scoffing Archbishop Flynn.

    There are alot more issues, but these links are two examples of Archbishop Flynn doing the right thing.  And they are directly dealing with St. Joan of Arc and Fr. Wertin.


  • I know about and blogged on those actions. It still doesn’t answer my question: Why doesn’t Archbishop Flynn finally remove Wertin after all this time and appoint a pastor who will preach the truth and bring orthodoxy to a place that is in desparate need of it.

    It’s not a matter of whather the faithful will listen. It’s a matter of removing the shepherd leading the sheep astray and appointing one who won’t.

  • I know about and blogged on those actions. It still doesn’t answer my question: Why doesn’t Archbishop Flynn finally remove Wertin after all this time and appoint a pastor who will preach the truth and bring orthodoxy to a place that is in desparate need of it.

    It’s not a matter of whather the faithful will listen. It’s a matter of removing the shepherd leading the sheep astray and appointing one who won’t.

  • Right. No more meetings or letters or pastorally sensitive approaches needed here. Waste of time. Just get that priest out of there.

  • Right. No more meetings or letters or pastorally sensitive approaches needed here. Waste of time. Just get that priest out of there.

  • It’s really telling to read the section of their web site where they recount the “panel discussion” that they had in response to the Archbishop’s reprimand.  At one point one of the commentators noted how it was questioned whether St. Joan’s should remain affiliated with the Catholic Church!

  • It’s really telling to read the section of their web site where they recount the “panel discussion” that they had in response to the Archbishop’s reprimand.  At one point one of the commentators noted how it was questioned whether St. Joan’s should remain affiliated with the Catholic Church!

  • An obvious suspicion would be fear of the PR consequences, but we don’t know,as we are not in the Bishop’s head. 
    But a general question related to this PR-linked reluctance: if a Planned Parenthood officer started distributing anti-abortion information and promoted a pro-life message, nobody would be surprised if that person were quickly removed and such a removal would be considered as well justified.  Same for any other organization. 
    So, why is the Catholic Church afraid of excluding people who act in opposition to its teaching?  And why do others speak against her doing such things?

  • An obvious suspicion would be fear of the PR consequences, but we don’t know,as we are not in the Bishop’s head. 
    But a general question related to this PR-linked reluctance: if a Planned Parenthood officer started distributing anti-abortion information and promoted a pro-life message, nobody would be surprised if that person were quickly removed and such a removal would be considered as well justified.  Same for any other organization. 
    So, why is the Catholic Church afraid of excluding people who act in opposition to its teaching?  And why do others speak against her doing such things?

  • “Why doesn:comment_author_email>
    2004-11-02 12:36:27
    2004-11-02 16:36:27
    Riiiiight…. Here we have an example of the “America is evil” crowd.

    Do you actually have any evidence for your crazy assertions?

  • “Why doesnttp:// Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:59:24 -0600

    The infamous St. Joan’s parish in the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese has received a reprimand, not only from the archdiocese, but from the Vatican. The parish has been ordered to remove Gay Pride materal from its web site and to stop having laypeople give homilies.

    I’m glad to see some action being taken, but I have two questions. First, why did it take an order from the Vatican to get this done? It’s not like Archbishop Flynn was not aware of what’s going on there, so why didn’t he do this on his own? Second, why is Fr. Wertin still pastor there? He is obviously teaching heresy and leading his people astray. He should be pulled from the parish and told he will not receive any assignment so long as he does not repent of his heterodoxy. Maybe some time in a nice orthodox monastery would do him some good.

    The people of St. Joan’s parish have a right to the Truth and their archbishop has a duty to ensure they get it. How long must they wait for it?


    2004-11-01 11:59:24
    2004-11-01 15:59:24

    2004-11-01 13:21:39
    2004-11-01 17:21:39
    Sometimes Dom….the faithful won’t listen.  Archbishop Flynn has been dealing with St. Joan of Arc since the day he came to St. Paul.

    Here is a link:

    From St. Joan’s website, scoffing Archbishop Flynn.

    There are alot more issues, but these links are two examples of Archbishop Flynn doing the right thing.  And they are directly dealing with St. Joan of Arc and Fr. Wertin.


  • The Puritans were the Cromwellian escapees. They came on the Mayflower because they tortured, and killed Anglicans and Catholics in England. When the Monarchists came back, they had to leave.  America is not evil. The founders are.

