Shanley settlement may be highest in state history

Shanley settlement may be highest in state history

Although they won’t give specifics, the lawyer for the alleged victims of Paul Shanley says at least one of his clients is receiving a record-breaking settlement for sex abuse, at least $1.4 million. Hmm, I wonder if the abuse suffered by those four boys was worse than that suffered by the 550 victims who participated in the $85 million settlement. Maybe it was. But perhaps a lesson that could be drawn is that if you’re going to be abused, make sure it’s by a guy who doesn’t do it a lot. Maybe that’s too cynical of me.

In any case, I’m glad that the victims will get some kind of satisfaction from this. I hope it helps them move on.

1 comment
  • It was hinted at early on that Shanley had evidence of impropriety by Cardinals Medeiros or Cushing and that was why he was allowed to continue on, even into Law’s reign, to avoid scandal. Good job, guys.

