Rush is right again

Rush is right again

On Friday, Rush Limbaugh was asked by a caller what he thought of Apple’s new machines and new software and he said he loved them:

The G5 is going to go to 64 bits, and it’s going to change everything—which is why I’m so frustrated that this technology isn’t more mainstream. ... I’ve already hooked up audio, video, iChat - which is their version of AOL instant messenger—and it’s incredible.  It’s real-time video conferencing on your computer. ... The G5 is an even more advanced machine, yet Apple’s market share remains static!  They have so much superior equipment that they should have at least double the share of the market they hold now.  Apple is apparently a company that is so constrained by the political views of its corporate leadership and board, which now includes Algore, that it’s accepting lower sales.  What a shame.

That’s what I like about Rush. When sees a superior product he buys it without making it all about politics or ideology. Yet he sees clearly the ideological barriers that these companies set up for themselves that hold them back and hurts their consumers and shareholders.

  • I heard the comments, sparked by a “mega-ditto graphic artist” caller, which makes sense.

    It’s frustrating to me, too, that this amazing technology isn’t more mainstream! (For one thing, being a cheapskate, it ticks me off that I have to pay more for the technology than I would have if more people bought it! However, I’m willing—ouch—to pay the price.)

    Ironic, too, is that, since Apple’s market share is so small, designers of some really nice apps don’t even bother to make a Mac version.

    But, there again, Apple comes through! It holds a partial copyright to “Virtual PC” which allows any Macster to run “PC only” apps with no problem.

    Yet Apple’s market share is pitiful. Amazing.

  • Hiya Jack,

    I’m looking at the “About” section of Virtual PC 3.0. Yes, it’s made by Connectix.

    But I see Apple Computer as one of three other partial copyright holders, the others being Microid Research and IBM. Again,  though, I’m using v.3 and I see that the copyrights ran out in 1999.

    Microsoft bought Virtual PC? Well, there you have it.

  • You’ll find that copyright in most Mac software. It’s to protect the developer tools provided by Apple used to create software. Microsoft owns all of VPC now.

