Praising Allah in the cathedral

Praising Allah in the cathedral

Allah will be praised with his 99 names in Westminster Cathedral, the most prominent Catholic church in Britain. It’s written by John Tavener and was commissioned by Prince Charles, who you will recall has said that the British monarch should not have the traditional title of “defender of the faith,” but just “defender of faith” while adding some obsequies toward Islam.

This musical work slated for Westminster, however, is probably not what most Muslims would call conservative or traditional either.

It is based on the Koran and sets the 99 names of Allah to music, to be intoned over an hour and a half with choir, full orchestra and Tibetan gongs.

So what will the jihad-minded extremists think about the sacred names of Allah being bandied about by infidels in a Catholic church?

On the other hand, this may be the first time I find myself in agreement with the jihadis, at least insofar as thinking that a Catholic church is no place for this … event.

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  • “It is based on the Koran and sets the 99 names of Allah to music, to be intoned over an hour and a half with choir, full orchestra and Tibetan gongs.”

    And after about 15 minutes everyone in attendance will be thinking to themselves, “For the love of Allah, please stop this terrible music.”

  • Hmph.  Doesn’t surprise me, really.  England seems hell-bent on surrendering to Islam as quickly and painlessly as possible.  I will say I am a little surprised that Taverner wrote this piece of multiculti nonsense – he was a devout Orthodox, so far as I knew.  Maybe he sees the way the wind is blowing and is just engaging in some preemptive dhimmitude.

  • Has the Church gone stark raving mad?  Either I am totally out of step or the world is lurching off the rails.  I think I’ve lived too long.

