Poor, Catholic, and happy

Poor, Catholic, and happy

TS reprints an interesting graph from National Review that compares Gross Domestic Product per Capita with Life Satisfaction (i.e. happiness). In other words, on one graph we see a nation’s wealth as compared to individual happiness of its citizens.

As expected, most of the countries are clustered on the low end of the wealth scale. It’s interesting that along most of the scale there appears to be as many countries with below-average happiness versus above-average. But most interesting, is that the happiest country is not among the wealthiest and, here’s the topper, the five happiest yet poor countries are all predominantly Catholic: Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and happiest of all, Colombia. Yes, the nation dubbed the kidnapping capital of the world plagued by drug wars and both Marxist and right-wing guerillas. These are the happiest people as a whole.

Perhaps there’s something to the idea that it isn’t money that makes one happy. Maybe it has something to do with that Catholic faith.

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  • Interesting that some 81% of 10.4 Million illegal aliens are from Mexico and Latin America.  I wonder how much the access to what are, for them, high paying jobs affects their outlook on life.

  • I think the stability of our economy has more with it, then the “high pay”. I’m surprised when my more materialistic peers do say “We have it all”. In the sense of what matters. I have a loving husband, a family, and stability and routine in my life. I might not live in a 750K house, instead live in one that costs a third of that. I drive a car that is eleven years old, but if it broke we could afford to fix it. Money pays the bills. It is nice not worrying how you are going to pay for the oil bill, but things do not make you happy.

    I do thank my religion in guiding me.

