Online Catholic literary magazine

Online Catholic literary magazine

I received the following email:

Throughout the past few months, a group of young Catholics (including myself) have been working to create a Catholic literary magazine targeted to students and young scholars. The name of the magazine is Dappled Things, and its aim is to provide a space for young writers to engage the literary world from a Catholic perspective. There are so many talented young Catholics out there, that we decided it was imperative to bring Dappled Things into existence as an outlet for this talent and as a means of nurturing more of it. The magazine is committed to quality writing that takes advantage of the religious, theological, philosophical, artistic, cultural, and literary heritage of the Catholic Church in order to inform and enrich contemporary literary culture. Thus, we are committed to following JPII’s call to evangelize the arts and culture.

After much “behind the scenes” work, we are beginning our awareness campaign in order to spark interest in the magazine throughout the country. We seek to publish our inaugural online issue this advent, for which we are currently accepting submissions. We expect to release a print edition before the end of 2006.

They also point out that they are not affiliated in any way with Fr. Jim Tucker’s blog, also called Dappled Things, but they only realized the existence of his blog after having chosen the name from the first line of a Gerard Manley Hopkins poem.


