On marriage and love and responsibility

On marriage and love and responsibility

The arguments we make to defend the traditional definition of marriage are secular by necessity. Those who wish to undermine the institution of marriage won’t accept religious arguments as convincing, especially the courts. But marriage does, of course, have a profound religious meaning, and the Holy Father reminded us of that today in a meeting he had with the priests of the Diocese of Rome:

“Marriage and family cannot, therefore, be considered a simple product of historical circumstances, or a superstructure imposed on human love from the outside. On the contrary, they are an interior demand of this love so that it may be carried out in the truth and fullness of self-giving.” Unity, indissolubility, and openness to life, characteristics of the conjugal union, “which today,” he said, “are frequently misunderstood and rejected, are necessary so that it may be an authentic pact of love. Precisely in this way, the bond that unites man and woman becomes an image and symbol of the alliance between God and His people. ... Therefore, marriage between baptized persons is a sacrament, effective sign of grace and salvation.”

Something to meditate on and to not forget as we fight to defend marriage.


