Non-news about protests

Non-news about protests

Since there’s nothing to report in the Boston parish occupations, the Boston Globe has to resort to making up news. Thus we have the recent spate of stories about sit-ins reaching their six-month anniversaries. Big deal! They’re all the same anyway: tales of people sleeping on air mattresses in sanctuaries, how it brings them all closer, and all that stuff. Sure, it may bring them closer to one another, but it draws them further away from Mother Church.

“We are the kind of parish the Archdiocese of Boston needs in the 21st century,” Jack Ryan, a member of the parish council, told hundreds of parishioners yesterday, who stood and applauded. “We are vital, we are vibrant, we are the future of the church.”

Mmm, yes, breaking away from their bishop and becoming ever more Protestant day-by-day. What people don’t understand is that while “vibrancy” (there’s that stupid word that means nothing again) and financial self-sufficiency may be good, they are not the definition of a good parish.


