More on the Legionaries founder

More on the Legionaries founder

Another New York Times article goes into more detail regarding the alleged reopening of the Vatican investigation of abuse charges against Fr. Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ.

I immediately noticed something about the article: It does not once directly quote anyone saying that the investigation has been officially reopened by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is simply asserted and we are left wondering where this information comes from. Our only clue is from the same canon lawyer for the alleged victims who has been constantly quoted as saying an investigation has been reopened.

A few days later, on Dec. 2, Ms. Wegan received a message from Cardinal Ratzinger’s office asking whether the men who had alleged abuse still wished to give testimony to investigators, Mr. Barba said.

Wegan is the canon lawyer and Barba is one of the alleged victims. But that’s it. It doesn’t even say that testimony was given.

In other words, despite the article, we don’t know anything more about this case now than we did last December when the whole discussion about it blew open. Since there aren’t actual facts to discuss, I’m left wondering why the Times even published this article.

  • Dominic
    Why did the Times publish the article?
    see here

    Now why did this article appear in the Times? Watch this: Go here and you will see a letter from an Aimee Carevich at Harvard Divinity School who worked with a Marshall Ganz as VOTF was being put together with his support. You will also see that their goal is to stage a coup of the Church. Don’t miss her assigned territory

    Now go here and you will see the syllabus for the very course she mentions along with her name and others as assistants. (Take note of who owns the website.) Notice one of the books is Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. The technique you see in the Times is taught by Alinsky. Don’t miss, as the syllabus indicates, pp. 48-62. Now also notice the course was taught the last semester before the crisis at Harvard Divinity School. (You do know that Harvard supplied the media equipment to the protesters at the Cathedral don’t you?)

    Finally don’t miss the footnote on page 13 of Rules for Radicals, if you decide to read the book. You will see the 1960’s source of the crisis perhaps? Rules for Radicals was published in 1971 and it is still available at your local bookstore.

