More gay protests in churches

More gay protests in churches

If you thought the gay protest inside Boston’s Holy Cross Cathedral on Sunday was disturbing, wait until you see what the radical homosexual community has planned for this Sunday.

1 comment
  • Dear Tony C,

    Please let your conscience consider the notion of simply NOT acting as an extraordinary minister of the Blessed Sacrament this Sunday, given your (righteous, in my opinion) feelings. Or at any time where you feel you might use that position to make a point.

    Let a priest—an ORDINARY minister of Communion—do it.  Please, opt out o’ the “schedule.”

    (Quick question: how can anybody “schedule” something that’s supposed to occur only in _extraordinary_ circumstances?)

    This sort o’ quandry is exactly what I’ve been nagging about for eons now. (Well, maybe not for eons, but still…for some time, anyway.)

    And one o’ the best arguments against the _common_ use of _extraordinary_ ministers I’ve ever seen.

    That said…may I suggest an alternative course? I see no problem at all if you ask a police officer to arrest anybody who disrupts in any way your participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.


