Memo: Red Planet was just a movie

Memo: Red Planet was just a movie

From the “how dumb are newspaper journalists” file, we have this editorial from the London Daily Telegraph:

The pictures splashed across the world’s front pages last week were indistinguishable from those sent back by Nasa’s Viking Landers more than a quarter of a century ago. Not even the plan to put a man on Mars was new: Nasa pulled that one off back in 1997.

Excuse me, but did I miss something? We put a man on Mars? What was his name and how did I miss his homecoming parade?

You know how many people’s eyes this sort of thing has to pass in front of? I guess British schools are no better than American ones if this is how well people know their history.

1 comment
  • Actually, George, is more than a few months ago. She made the statement back in 1997 when she asked if NASA could send the rover over to where the astronauts planted the flag back in 1968.

    My condolences on sharing a name with her.

