Maybe the Church they want to change isn’t what they think She is

Maybe the Church they want to change isn’t what they think She is

A couple of Philadelphia Voice of the Faithful members go to Rome and discover the Church isn’t the inflexible European institution dominated by old, white men they thought it was.

They make no bones about the fact that VOTF wants power. It’s not about getting more involvement in finances or management of the parishes. They want control at the top.

The trend in the U.S. church has been for major lay involvement on finances, management and some liturgical roles at the parish level, as the number of priests has dwindled. But the hierarchy has been much less open to power-sharing.

“We need to see more [lay involvement] at the hierarchy level. I want to be a visible presence to the hierarchy,” she said.

I’m curious to know what word(s) she really used that the reporter substituted with “lay involvement.” It could change the context and reveal a lot about her motives.


