Maine’s vote for marriage holds back the tide

Maine’s vote for marriage holds back the tide

Yesterday, in Maine, voters rejected the notion that marriage is whatever kind of construct we decide it is rather than the union of one man and one woman in a binding and committed relationship. And so, in every state where voters have been asked to vote on the matter—or allowed to (looking at you, Massachusetts)—the answer has been clear. Marriage as the fundamental structure of society is not whatever we decide it is, not any kind of pairing imaginable. And once again, voters have agreed that it’s irrelevant to the state whether two people have feeling for another, that it’s not the business of government to validate love. (That’s the job of religion.)

All this despite the constant drumbeat of political pressure groups creating so-called studies on the alleged normalcy of same-sex relationships and their willing cohorts in the media who publish them. Everywhere you look the message is consistent: homosexuality and lesbianism is normal; same-sex relationships are normal; you are abnormal and a “homophobe” for refusing to believe it; you’re no better than the racists who opposed equality for blacks in the ‘60s. The aim is to intimidate and indoctrinate us all the while forcing us to vote against their social re-engineering proposals until finally they have brainwashed and ground-down enough people eventually to reverse the course of the tide and get their laws passed. They see it as inevitable. As long as they control the levers of culture and the media and public education, it’s hard to argue with them that time is on their side.

I hope we can withstand the onslaught and even reverse momentum, not just on the homosexual agenda, but also on abortion and other civilization-destroying trends. Maine’s vote is a small hopeful step in that direction.

  Posted via email  from Domenico’s posterous 



