Jumping to conclusions

Jumping to conclusions

There’s lots of discussion over at Amy’s place about the Deal Hudson story and I’m somewhat dismayed at the turn it’s taking. As seems to so often be the case with accusations made in the media that people are assuming that the allegations are true. Apparently, something happened between Deal Hudson and a student, but what it is we just don’t know.

What we have is one side of the story. We have no corroborating witnesses, no evidence, just a tale from a young woman who’s had a difficult life and a settlement paid. Yet, a lot of people are quick to jump to the conclusion that Deal Hudson is guilty of date rape and more. Okay, it’s one thing to be wary. You can’t help but hear the story and wonder if it’s true. Yet it’s so outlandish, so seemingly out of character, you also wonder if it could possibly be true.

Nevertheless, the reality is that there’s not enough information out there for us to know for sure, we’re not likely to get more information, and it does us, the Church, the young woman, and Deal andh is family no good to jump to conclusions about this.

  • Obviously sodomy is not a mortal sin but the Traditional Mass is.

    Now this bishop would say that the Tradtional Mass isn’t in it’s self a sin but a vestige of a prior modle of the church.  As Vatican 2 has stated that the Pope is only one among the bishops, this Mass must have approval of the local bishop.  Those attending it would be “outside of the Church.”  And after all, the Pope really didn’t mean what he said in Ecclesia Dei.  It really is only for old people.

    Now gay marriage is a subject about which the Church must have sensitivity.  After all, God gave gay people their orientation and these couples have a right to live in the love of God and of the Church.

    Previous admonitions against sodomy were only reflex opinions of a homophobic Church.  Now, in this post Vatican Two era, we know that gay people, being also part of the “People of God”, have a right to express their sexuality in the direction that HE/SHE has given them.

  • Sarcasm will get you nowhere, Brian.  I have to assume that’s what all that crap above is, because you couldn’t possibly be serious.  Or at least I hope not.

    The views above pretty much would put a person outside the Catholic Church if they were serious.

  • Meanwhile, Catholics are working hard to make the church look like a den of criminals.  We’re getting good at this—practice makes perfect.

    We see the inside of the Catholic world, such as it is.  There are really only 2 parts of this story:
    1) the general impression visible to everybody, 90% of whom don’t know Deal Hudson from Bulwinkle and could care less.  They think we’re all pedophiles and idiots nowdays, so…..I don’t think this is going to make any difference here at all.  Bush will distance himself and the election will go on.
    2) the loss of Deal’s ability to make the USCCB squirm.  Now, that’s regrettable.  But we’ll recover.  Time and the game are on our side now. 

  • Meanwhile, Catholics are working hard to make the church look like a den of criminals.  We’re getting good at this—practice makes perfect.

    We see the inside of the Catholic world, such as it is.  There are really only 2 parts of this story:
    1) the general impression visible to everybody, 90% of whom don’t know Deal Hudson from Bulwinkle and could care less.  They think we’re all pedophiles and idiots nowdays, so…..I don’t think this is going to make any difference here at all.  Bush will distance himself and the election will go on.
    2) the loss of Deal’s ability to make the USCCB squirm.  Now, that’s regrettable.  But we’ll recover.  Time and the game are on our side now. 

  • Many Catholic Bishops are in a difficult spot—the ORDAINED homosexual-termite infestation in Chanceries and Dioceses can be a large number.

    Naturally, this means that if there are any skeletons, they can be brought out of the closets.

