In the Kitchen with Bella - Week in Review, #2

In the Kitchen with Bella - Week in Review, #2

Last week we didn’t have as many recipes mainly because we were out of town and out of our kitchen for a few days visiting Grandma. But we did get a few good recipes online nonetheless, plus my review of Alton Brown’s new Food Network show “Feasting on Asphalt.” Enjoy:

    {exp:weblog:entries weblog=“food” orderby=“date” start_on=“2006-07-31 12:01 AM” stop_before=“2006-08-06 11:59 PM”}

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  • {/exp:weblog:entries}

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bk_keywords:Alton Brown.

1 comment
  • Franklin, I’m always hesitant to make judgments about celebrities from what I see on TV, but I always did have the sense that AB is a down-to-earth kind of guy. Good to know that the impression was correct.

