Free audiobook of the Pope’s prayers

Free audiobook of the Pope’s prayers

The fine folks at have made available for free the complete audiobook of “The Private Prayers of Pope John Paul II: Words of Inspiration.” I think it’s a very nice gesture and a nice opportunity to continue to spread the message of John Paul II, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, unadulterated and unabridged.

I encourage you to download the book and to thank the folks at for this service.

1 comment
  • Just a couple comments.  You have to register with Audible, which means giving them your email address and agreeing to recieve their emailed advertisements forever.  Which is a minor inconvenience, but if your like me your spam-meter is already pegged.  Secondly, you have to download and run their audible manager to listen to the program or burn it to CD.  You can’t just download the MP3 files to your hard-drive.  Theoretically, if you have windows media player, you can stream it to your desktop, but it turns out that this doesn’t work either, unless you’ve installed their software.

    Just FYI – no complaints or judgements about

